Why customise rubber hoses
Customising rubber hoses, and more specifically the ring nuts, offers considerable advantages both in terms of image and ease of use. Here are the main ones.
Saeflex2023-02-15T13:24:19+00:0014 November 2018|Categories: News En|Tags: Rubber, Rubber Hoses, Sae Flex|
Customising rubber hoses, and more specifically the ring nuts, offers considerable advantages both in terms of image and ease of use. Here are the main ones.
Sale and manufacture of hydraulic components, assistance on hydraulic systems at the customer’s site, design of hydraulic power units, testing, product certification and consultancy to always give you the most suitable solution for your field of application.
Via Tito Speri, 19
25040 Cortefranca BS
Via Artigiani, 14/16
25030 Adro, fraz. Torbiato BS
@2020-2024 Sae Flex S.P.A. | CF/Registro Imprese BS 03245930171 | P IVA IT03245930171 | CCIAA REA BS347686 | Codice destinatario SdI: T04ZHR3 | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000/00 IV | Privacy Policy| Cookie Policy | Concept by Mr Keting
Sale and manufacture of hydraulic components, assistance on hydraulic systems at the customer’s site, design of hydraulic power units, testing, product certification and consultancy to always give you the most suitable solution for your field of application.