We have provided our support to the COSTanti&VOLontari association and the social cooperative P.A.E.S.E. in the purchase of transport vehicles for the disabled. Find out more.

As a company, we fully acknowledge that our commitment must go beyond hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems in order to support the development of the territory in which we operate also from a social point of view. This year we have therefore decided to join other entities in funding new means of transport for the disabled and elderly people in Costa Volpino, Endine Gaiano and throughout Val Cavallina. This is a summary of the associations that will reap benefits from these new vehicles and the insight of our CEO after the official handover of the new vehicles.
Together to support the more fragile people
The two vehicles we co-funded will be used by the volunteers of the COSTanti&VOLontari association and the social cooperative P.A.E.S.E. of Val Cavallina, two entities operating in the boroughs of Costa Volpino, Endine Gaiano and throughout the regions of Bergamo and Brescia. The objective behind the purchase project is to facilitate the transportation of people with difficulties to hospitals for routine and periodic check-ups or long-term treatments and, thanks to these two new vehicles, it is now possible to guarantee the service to an increasing number of disabled and elderly people.
Seeing our logo on the door of the new vehicles purchased to provide transportation for the more fragile people is something we are very proud of, but it is also a tangible sign that has made us think about what more we can, and must, do for the territory in which we live.
Angelo Medici
CEO Sae Flex
Concrete results that stem from collaborative activities
The purchase of these two new vehicles was made possible thanks to the commitment of enterprises such as ours, but also that of private individuals who want to make a difference. In fact, in addition to the work of over 130 volunteers revolving around the two associations, there are also many citizens in Val Cavallina who are committed to achieving a better future and Sae Flex wanted to make a personal contribution and raise awareness among its suppliers. customers and collaborators on the importance of collaborating on a common project.
Watch the presentation of the two new passenger vehicles on the TeleBoario TV channel.

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